“I’ve worked with E.ON on a large number of consulting, coaching and interim assignments over a period spanning several years.”

E.ON UK is the UK business of the global power and gas business, is the second largest electricity retailer in the UK with a 24% market share. E.ON sells electricity and gas to consumer and business customers.

E.ON have engaged me on a number of consulting, coaching and interim assignments, some of which are summarised below.

B2B Integration Review

E.On AG completed the acquisition of Powergen PLC in the UK in 2002, which was closely followed by a number of other corporate acquisitions in the UK – TXU’s retail business in October 2002, and Midlands Electricity in 2003. The retail business was restructured in early 2005, consolidating the business from these acquired organisations into a consumer retail business and a separate Business to Business organisation.

Reorganisation of the business to business organisation required migration of over 100,000 corporate customers from acquired client legacy systems to the standard systems platform, and implementation of new processes to support corporate customers. This Integration Programme was the major strategic initiative for E.ON UK’s business to business organisation, and with a programme team of over 80 people, was a major investment and therefore highly sensitive for the organisation.

When progress on the programme became a concern to the board, I was engaged to carry out an Independent Review, working with the programme board to recommend and ensure implementation of changes required to safeguard the programme’s success.

Recommendations were made and implemented ensuring that this programme was delivered successfully.

Business Review – Powergen

Early in 2006, a restructure of the Powergen Board led to the appointment of a new director for the Consumer business, the £500m EBIT business with 6m residential electricity and gas customers in the UK.

I was engaged to assist with a full review of the business, making recommendations for change. The review focused on operational disciplines and processes, together with organisational capability, and led to the formulation of a detailed plan of execution, and a degree of restructuring.

Interim Head of Change – Powergen

Following presentation of the wide-ranging recommendations from business review, I was retained on an interim management basis throughout 2006 to oversee and drive through this major change programme, leading a team of change management and project management professionals and assisting the leadership team in shaping and driving the business.

The change programme comprised organisational change, system implementations and improvement in process, together with launch of new propositions and branding changes. This included the implementation of a new online content management system, re-launch of the Home Services business, upgrades of mobile sales tools, migration and one of call centres, implementation of new product development processes and re-branding of the business.

We introduced new programme management and governance processes, restructured the delivery teams and recruited new capability into the business to ensure successful delivery, including a new permanent Head of Change.  I also provided individual coaching to a number of executives within the business as part of the change programme.

Target Operating Model

With the change programme well underway, the change team and permanent Head of Change in situ, I was subsequently retained as a consultant to support develop a Target Operating Model (“TOM”) for the future business.

The TOM defined the processes, systems and organisational structure of the operation of the future – a top-down drill-down of the business to a level of several hundred process activities. This allowed clear communication of changes required in order to develop a world-class energy retail business, with robust operating processes.

It also led to a programme of organisational change, aligning accountabilities and responsibilities with the processes of the business.

Balanced Scorecard Development

Every great business strategy will have measurable impacts, but more often than not these impacts are not explicitly monitored by the business to see if the strategy is working. Quite often businesses continue to produce the same Management Information and Financial Reporting as they always did, regardless of a change in strategic plans.

This consulting assignment helped prevent this by producing a metrics pack directly aligned with the business strategy, drilling down from a simple view for communication to the wider business teams, to a more detailed view to facilitate business decision making.

Smart Metering Programme Mobilisation

Another consulting assignment with the consumer business was the set up and mobilisation of a robust programme of change, shaping E.ON’s strategy for smart metering and engaged the team responsible for driving this programme through both B2B and consumer businesses.

Interim Change Director – E.ON B2B

Having made a number of significant impacts in the Powergen consumer business, I was engaged by the E.ON Business to Business division on an interim basis.  Reporting to the Managing Director, and with a position on the Executive Leadership Team, I carried out the role of Change Director, with a team of change management professionals, project managers and business improvement specialists reporting in.

Led the development of a new business strategy and change plan and its implementation, including significant restructuring of the business.  Engaged a new permanent head of change and mentored them into the new role.